Boost Revenue with AI Driven Campaigns

Increase conversions and outshine competitors —even while you sleep.

Wiselli App with 37 variants

How Wiselli Works to Revolutionize
Your Marketing

Data Insight

No more guesswork—See what contexts matters and let AI instantly change your website content for segments you didn't even know existed.

Make every decision databacked and dramatically improve ROI.

Smart Adaptive Optimization

Launch expansive campaigns without compromising precision. Refine content continuously, considering multiple contextual cues.

Achieve your aspirations promptly, freeing you to focus on overarching objectives.

Total Control
Effortless Execution

Wiselli provides a seamless balance between automated intelligence and user insights, ensuring straightforward control.

Make smarter decisions effortlessly and stay ahead of the market trends.

Campaign Scaling

Save your team hundreds of hours and allow for more strategic focus, while AI scales campaigns to unprecedented new heights.

Achieve significantly more results and reach your goals efficiently by utilizing less time.

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Unlock Your Company's True Potential and Reach More Customers

Don't allow new opportunities to pass you by. Effortlessly launch multiple web and digital campaigns across direct channels like emails, SMS, web content, and push notifications. Wiselli not only generates content variations for individual campaigns (for instance, drafting email texts for an email campaign), it also autonomously deploys them, and adaptively AB tests them based on contextual nuances. Every meaningful context or combination is catered to with a suitable variant.

Flexible Hours - AI X+ Webflow Template

Save hundreds of manhours off your
marketing team

Continuous optimization for ever better results is not easy on your companys resources. Reduce significantly the time and focus needed for the optimal results while expanding the scale of your campaigns beyond what has been possible before.

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Utilize the benefits of AI marketing
optimization while staying in full control

Automate marketing solution running independently in the background for months, or the best way to fully understanding your customers via useful data analysis and insight. No matter which path you choose, you will be in the control at all times.

How it works

Meet our Adaptive Content Generation Process

AI-powered engine transforms your web and digital campaign content, creating tailored variants for different contexts. From the serenity of Sunday evenings to the bustling vibes of Monday mornings, our system knows how to converse with your audience.

Meet Our Process - AI X+ Webflow Template
Meet Our Process - AI X+ Webflow Template
Upload Your Data - AI X+ Webflow Template

1. Website / CDP integration

Begin by feeding Wiselli with the relevant data of your digital content. Our system thrives on rich datasets, ensuring every output resonates with your target demographic.

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2. Train on data

Wiselli's core intelligence starts learning from your data, understanding the nuances, and preparing to generate content that's not just relevant but adaptive and contextually sound.

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3. Get results

Experience the magic of AI as Wiselli crafts varying versions of campaigns – be it for web content, emails, SMS or push notifications. Watch your revenue rise, and customer engagement reach new heights.

The Smartest Way to Boost Your Business Using AI

Empower your e-commerce or website with Wiselli. Save team hours, enhance customer retention, and amplify new customer conversions.

Easily Integrate Our Service Into Your Project - AI X+ Webflow Template
Train the Model - AI X+ Webflow Template

Easily integrate Wiselli into your project

Join a new era of content creation and strategy. With Wiselli, integrating AI into your project is a breeze, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.

CDP Integrations

Connect with Your Preferred Platform

Wiselli's versatile nature ensures it can sync with an extensive range of favorite platforms, adding an extra layer of intelligence to your strategies.